El ECI París 2017 fue en el ESPCI, donde trabajaron 6 premios Nobel

École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI)
10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris
21 de julio 2017

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, Red Internacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaLa Puya de Raimodi, Asepef Alumni, Asociación de científicos Peruanos de Francia,
Federación Internacional de Sociedades Científicas
Academia Nuclear del Perú
Coordinador en París:
Francois Piuzzi
Physiciens sans Frontières de la Société Française de Physique


Free Registration:
Presenters (Deadline 15 jun 2017)
No presenters

Sesión I
Moderadora: Catherine Pillet, médico

00000DSC07884schuhl8:45 Inauguración
Palabras de inauguración
Alain Schuhl
Director del Instituto de Física
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique


9:00 h
Adding metabolomics to precision medicine

Carlos Malpica Lizarzaburu
MLP Vision Biotech S.L., Spain

9:30 h
La Física de los Instrumentos Musicales Pre-Colombinos
Víctor Coronel
City University of New York, United States

10:00  h
Cómo el  Quipu Inca registró la información

Carmen González
Doctora en física por la Universidad de Grenoble, Francia

10:30 h
Coffee break

Sesión II
Baptiste Boussemart (ESEO – Angers).

11:00 h
Development of a mobile LIBS-LIF-Raman instrumentation
Vincent Detalle
Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France

11:30  h
Monte Carlo entropic sampling applied to Ising-like model for 2D Spin Crossover nanoparticles: re-entrance phase transition


Université Paris-Saclay / Université de Versailles St. Quentin en Yvelines

12:00 – 14:00 h Lunch

Sesión III
Moderadora: Véronique Collin (Ceprecyt)

14:00 h
Tiempo de residencia del agua en el acuífero de Lima
Modesto Montoya
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú

14:30 h
Change modelling and assessment for urban logistics decision support

Jesús González-Feliu
Institut Henri Fayol, École des Mines de Saint Etienne, France

15:00 h
Los avances en radioterapia
Alejandro Mazal
Instituto Curie, Paris, France

15:30 h
Coffee break

Sesión IV
Jean Pierre Galaup, Physicist
16:00 h
The path of quantum computers towards quantum supremacy
Enrique Solano
University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain

16:30 h
Intégration d´antennes pour objets communicants aux fréquences millimétriques
José Zevallos Luna
Laboratoire d´Electronique et des Technologies de l´Information,
Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives, France

17:00 h

Mesa redonda sobre Colaboración Internacional con el Perú
Ana Medina (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

expositores del ECI París 2017

17:30 h Clausura

El ESPCI y el prestigio que le dan sus 6 premios Nobel
Marie Curie, premio Nobel de Física en 1903 por el descubrimiento del radio.
Pierre Curie, premio Nobel en 1903 por el descubrimiento del radio.
Marie Curie, premio Nobel de química en 1911 por la purificación del radio con técnicas electroquímicas.
Frédéric Joliot-Curie, premio Nobel de química en 1935 por demostrar la radiactividad artificial.
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, premio Nobel de física en 1911, por sus investigaciones sobre cristales líquidos y los polímeros, el Comité Nobel se refirió a Pierre-Gilles de Gennes como «el Newton de nuestros tiempos».
Georges Charpak, premio Nobel de física en 1992 por sus detectores utilizados en física de partículas.

Abstracts and CVs

“Adding metabolomics to precision medicine”
Carlos Malpica Lizarzaburu
MLP Vision Biotech S.L., Spain

Precision medicine is an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account each person’s individual variability in genes, environment and lifestyle. Today, the ability of Metabolon’s technology to impact human health is more compelling than ever as the promise of precision medicine rapidly becomes a reality.
Metabolomics improves our understanding of health and the influences of diet, drug treatment, genes and lifestyle. While genomics often reveals only predisposition or risk of disease, Metabolon provides a snapshot of the current state of health and actionable information to advance clinical decision-making and research.

Carlos Malpica CV

  • Carlos Malpica Lizarzaburu was trained in France as an Agronomic Engineer at Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon and Pasteur Institute and obtained his PhD. in Biotechnology from Paris University 7. Additionally he holds a diploma from the Spanish Diplomatic School and an International Executive MBA from Instituto de Empresa (Spain).
  • Dr. Malpica is the CEO of MLP Vision Biotech S.L. and is actively involved in promoting the adoption of metabolomics technologies in the European Research Area as European Director of Metabolon Inc. (USA). He is also the Vice-President of BioEuroLatina, a non-for-profit organization that aims at fostering the collaboration between Europe and Latin America in Biotechnology.
  • Past activities include Marketing and Sales Director at Biopolis S.L. (Spain), Research Director at L’Oréal Group (France), CEO of Kina Biotech S.L. (Spain), Global Business Development Manager at Syngenta A.G. (Switzerland), Head of Business Development Europe at Novartis Seeds S.A.S. (France) and Biotechnology Research Coordinator at the DANONE Group (France).

«La física de instrumentos pre-incas»
Víctor Coronel
City University of New York, United States

  • Profesor de Física a Tiempo Parcial, Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Baruch College, City University of New York, CUNY, Nueva York, NY 10010. Sep 89 – Presente
  • Profesor Principal, Física e Ingeniería, Departamento de Ciencias, SUNY Rockland, Suffern, Nueva York, NY 10901. Sep 91 – Presente.
  • Profesor Visitante, INICTEL (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones y Capacitación de Telecomunicaciones), Lima, PERU. Curso de cuatro semanas sobre «Aplicaciones Industriales del Procesamiento Digital de Señales», Jul – Ago 2000.
  • Profesor en Cursos de Verano, Departamento de Física, Ramapo College, Ramapo, Nueva Jersey, EE.UU. Veranos 1998, 1999.
  • Investigador y Co-Director. Laboratorio de Imágenes Digitales, Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Baruch College, Nueva York, Sep 90 – Mayo 98.
  • Experto Técnico para la Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica en el Instituto Peruano de Energía Nuclear: Bioseñales y Aplicación de Computadoras en Medicina, Lima PERU, Julio – Agosto 1996. Ultrasonido y Procesamiento de Imágenes Medicas, Enero 1996.
  • Co- Investigador Principal, Proyecto para la Fundación Nacional de Ciencias (NSF, EE.UU.) en «Desarrollo de Experimentos en Acústica y Ondas para el Laboratorio, Usando Computadoras y Tarjetas de Adquicision de Datos» Sep 91 – Nov 93.
  • Profesor Visitante, Laboratorio de Señales y Procesamiento de Imágenes, Penn State University, University Park, PA, EE.UU. Jun 93 – Ago 93.
  • Profesor Asistente, Acústica y Procesamiento de Señales, Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Manhattan College, Bronx, NY. EE.UU. Sep 84 – May 90.
  • Consultor Técnico en Medidas Magnéticas, Independent Testing Laboratories, Nueva York, NY, EE.UU. Oct 86 – Feb 87.
  • Profesor Asistente, Departamento de Física, Manhattan College, Bronx, NY Sep 83 – May 84.
  • Profesor de Física y Director de Investigación y Desarrollo, Escuela Superior Técnica del Ejercito, Lima PERU, May 74 – Ago 78.


  • Doctorado (PhD), en Ciencia de Materiales, Columbia University, Nueva York, NY, EE.UU. May 83.
  • Maestría en Ciencia de Materiales, Columbia University, May 80.
  • Maestría en Física, Columbia University, Mayo 74.
  • Bachillerato en Física, Haverford College, Haverford PA, EE.UU. May 71.
  • Diploma de Escuela Secundaria, G.U.E. José Granda, Lima PERU, Dic.

A personal knowledge base integrating user data and an activity timeline
David Montoya

Typical Internet users today have their data scattered over several devices, applications and services. Managing and controlling one’s data is increasingly difficult. In this thesis, we adopt the viewpoint that the user should be given the means to gather and integrate her data, under her full control. In that direction, we designed a system that integrates and enriches the data of a user from multiple heterogeneous sources of personal information into an RDF knowledge base. The system is open-source and implements a novel extensible framework that facilitates the integration of new data sources and the development of new modules for deriving knowledge. We first show how user activity can be inferred from mobile phone sensor data. We introduce a time-based clustering algorithm to extract stay points from location history data. Using data from additional mobile phone sensors, as well as geographic information from OpenStreetMap and public transportation schedules, we introduce a transportation mode recognition algorithm to derive the different modes and routes taken by the user when travelling. The algorithm derives the sequence of maximum probability in a conditional random field with a neural network layer. We also show how the system can integrate data from email, calendars, address books, social network services, and location history into a coherent whole. To do so, it uses entity resolution to find the set of avatars used by each real-world contact, and performs spatiotemporal alignment to connect each stay point with the event it corresponds to in the user’s calendar. Finally, we show that such a system can also be used for synchronization across different systems and devices and allow knowledge to be pushed to the sources. We present extensive experiments.

David Montoya CV

  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2017, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
  • M.Sc. Computer Science, 2012, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
  • B.Sc. in Computer Science, 2009, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan
  • His research interests include personal knowledge bases, personal analytics, and activity recognition.


  • David Montoya, Thomas Pellissier Tanon, Serge Abiteboul, Fabian Suchanek: Thymeflow, A Personal Knowledge Base with Spatio-temporal Data, In Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’16), October 2016.
  • David Montoya, Serge Abiteboul, Pierre Senellart, Hup-Me: Inferring and Reconciling a Timeline of User Activity with Smartphone and Personal Data,  November, 2015.
  • David Montoya, Serge Abiteboul: Inférence d’itinéraires multimodaux à partir de données smartphone, In Actes de la 30ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications (BDA’14), October, 2014

The path of quantum computers towards quantum supremacy
Enrique Solano
University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain

  • Ikerbasque Professor  (Peruvian and Spanish)
  • PhD in Physics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Prof. Solano has worked in academic and research institutions in Peru, France, Brazil, Germany, Australia, and USA.
  • Research line: Quantum technologies, quantum information, quantum optics, superconducting circuits, and quantum biomimetics.
  • Prof. Solano has joined the Department of Physical Chemistry at the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain.
  • www.qutisgroup.com

Monte Carlo entropic sampling applied to Ising-like model for 2D Spin Crossover nanoparticles: re-entrance phase transition

Université Paris-Saclay / Université de Versailles St. Quentin en Yvelines

We present first in a detailed way the Monte Carlo entropic sampling (MCES) for an Ising model and then we explain how to apply to an Ising-like model for 2D Spin crossover nano-particles in order to show the role of the edge molecules of the system with their local environment. We show that for this 2D spin crossover (SCO) systems, one of the origin of multi steps transition is the effect of the edge interaction molecules with its local environment together with short and long range interactions. By increasing the value of the edge interaction, L, the transition is shifted to the lower temperatures: it means that the role of edge interaction is equivalent to an applied negative pressure because the edge interaction favours the High-Spin (HS) state while the applied pressure favours the Low-Spin (LS) state. And finally we also analyse the role of the short- and long-range interaction, J respectively G, with respect to the environment interaction, L, and the origin of the re-entrance thermal hysteresis.
1. J. Linares, C. Jureschi, K. Boukheddaden, » Surface effects leading to unusual size dependence of the thermal hysteresis behavior in spin-crossover nanoparticles», Magnetochemistry, 2016 2,24
2. D. Chiruta, J. Linares, P. Dahoo, M. Dimian, «Analysis of long-range interaction effects on phase transitions in two-step spin crossover chains by using Ising type systems and Monte Carlo entropic sampling technique”, Journal of Applied Physics, 12, 074906 (2012).
3. I. Shteto, J. Linares, F. Varret, « Monte Carlo entropic sampling for the study of metastable states and relaxation paths », Physical Review E 56 (1997) 5128-5137

“Cómo el  Quipu Inca registró la información”
Carmen González

Doctora en Física (USM de Grenoble, Francia)
Actualmente, Investigadora en “Culturas andinas prehispánicas: sistemas de numeración, quipu y yupana, y computo del tiempo”

El quipu, que alcanzó su más alta perfección y mayor difusión durante el periodo Inca (1400-1532 AD), fue un artefacto a base de cuerdas y de nudos en el cual se registró informaciones que pueden ser clasificadas en dos grandes grupos: numéricas y no numéricas. En los quipus numéricos se utilizó el sistema decimal de posición et se inscribieron datos administrativos y de contabilidad del estado Inca: censos de población, cantidad de productos almacenados en los depósitos oficiales (colca/qolqa), repartición de tributos, etc. Los quipus no numéricos son aquellos que no muestran una distribución decimal en la organización de los nudos y probablemente contienen informaciones narrativas como lo sugieren algunos cronistas, pero que por el momento no sabemos leerlos. Los quipus numéricos, que son los más estudiados, en particular en los últimos 20-30 años, pueden ser vistos como registros oficiales del imperio Inca y así, se convierten en una fuente histórica “de origen inca” que permitirá comprender la organización y los modos de funcionamiento del imperio del Tawantinsuyu. En esta charla presentaré los últimos avances hechos en la lectura e interpretación de los quipus incaicos y terminaré indicando algunos ejes de investigación futura y proponiendo una bibliografía.

Actividad profesional
2014-2017 Integrada al programa de investigacion CNRS-plurianual: “Conter le temps compté”, (Fédération CNRS Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques – France).
2002-2010 Investigadora en “Alcatel-Thales III-VLab” (Laboratorio de Investigación de Alcatel-Lucent y Thales).
1983-2001 Investigadora en el “Centre National d’Etudes de Télécommunication” (Laboratorio de Investigación de France Telecom)
1977-1981 Enseñante en el Departamento de Física de la Universidad de Grenoble (USMG)
1981 Docteur ès-Sciences, Université de Grenoble (USMG)
1975 Docteur 3er Cycle, Spectroscopie, Université de Grenoble (USMG)

1971 Bachiller en Física, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Peru

1959 Diploma de Escuela Secundaria, G.U.E. General Prado, Callao, Peru


Designing and development of a rover prototype, using cansat technology in Peru
Juan Huaroto, Adriana Ticona, Rider Paredes, Bruno Chumbes
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú
Currently in Peru, aerospace engineering has been developed with the Aerospace Agency of Peru (CONIDA) and with several organizations, most of them universities, such as the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, the Universidad Nacional de Piura and the Universidad San Cristóbal de Huamanga, which promote academy research in these areas through the University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC). UNISEC-PERU promotes the CANSAT methodology, which consists in designing a satellite of dimensions such as a soda can (CANSAT), for educational purposes. Commonly, a CANSAT can be of the telemetry type or rover type. The first one has a main mission, to perform a data collection and communicate them with a station in earth, whereas the second one has the main mission the autonomous navigation, in earth; in both cases consists basically in 3 subsystems: mechanics, electronics and control. In this article, we will explain the design and the results of the construction of a Rover prototype which perform sensing of ground parameters, like the temperature, pressure and humidity.

Keywords: Aerospace, design, satellite, sensing, autonomous, rover.
Design and development of a cansat prototype for the collection of atmospheric parameters
William Solís, José Espinoza, Jhoseling Melgarejo y Luis Alvarado
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú
The aerospace technology is a very important sector in the world in the reality of each country. Important research is being worked and developed in different part of the world. In this context, Peru is not indifferent to this reality, the national commission of Aerospace Research and Development, CONIDA, has been making progress, which are reflected in rockets capable of studying the median atmosphere, control and image processing of Peru-Sat 1.
University institutions such as the National University of Engineering also promote the development of these technologies through UNISEC-PERU and TEAM CANSAT-PERU in addition to the support of international institutions such as UNISEC-GLOBAL and PLANÈTE SCIENCES; we have used the CANSAT methodology for this purpose. Which consists of the design and validation of a miniaturized «satellite» in the volume of a soda can, usually has the mission of collecting data, performing controlled returns or in some cases fulfilling a predetermined mission profile.
This paper will present the design and results of the construction of a CANSAT prototype which performs atmospheric data collection and transmission, gps location, kinematic parameters and the storage of images on a sd card; Which will be captured on the descent. In addition to deploying a system of photovoltaic recharge and ejection mechanism of a miniature astronaut.

Keywords: Mosaicing, Sensor, Cansat, aeroespacial,fotovoltaico

Avances en radioterapia
Ph.D. Alejandro Mazal
Head of medical physics at Institut Curie, Paris.
Educational background
Born in Argentina in 1958, close to Iguazu Falls, I first studied engineering followed by medical physics in Buenos Aires, where I have also worked at the National Academy of Medicine. In 1985 I moved to Paris. At the Universities of Toulouse and Paris I took a master and PhD degree in medical physics (dealing with stereotactic radiation therapy)
and I then got a permanent position at Curie Institut under the direction of Jean Claude
Rosenwald. In 1990 we started the protontherapy project in Orsay, where I was appointed as technical director covering the medical physics and engineering fields for about 8 years. I took some sabbaticals in US, at Indiana University Cyclotron Facility and at Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School as invited scientist. In 2005 I have been in charge of the call for bids for the new protontherapy project in Orsay as the project director, in 2008 named head of medical physics at Curie Institute and in 2010 I have been elected as Chairman of the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group (PTCOG).
Speciality and research field of interest.
My fields of interests are the state of the art on high precision radiation therapy integrating modalities (linacs, tomotherapy, protons, special implants, quality assurance, software, robotics) but also the daily work, the human aspects and the logistics from the medical physics and engineering point of views into the radiation therapy and imaging departments, integrating the research, development and teaching (e.g. organising the first series of training course on protons all over the world starting in China), as well as keeping some activity on developing countries through Medical Physicist without borders (PMSF). I have a 18 years old son and a passionate life with friends all over the world.

Integrated antennas for wireless devices at millimetre-wave frequencies

This work investigates the integration of antennas on silicon substrates at millimetre-wave frequencies in order to obtain fully-integrated and packaged transceiver modules using standard technologies in wireless devices. We investigated the design and realization of integrated antennas in a standard QFN package coupled to a 60 GHz Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) transceiver chip with two integrated folded-dipole antennas implemented in a 65-nm CMOS-SOI technology on high-resistivity silicon. We defined a simulation model from which we studied the performance of integrated antennas, taking into account the influence of the environment (package, lid, wirebonding and manufacturing technology). Then, we optimized the antenna performances in impedance matching and radiation gain using radiating elements printed on a substrate and coupled to the on-chip folded dipoles. This antenna led to the demonstration of high-data rate communications (up to 2.2 Gbps) with a very low power consumption. We showed that the communication distance can be extended up to several meters using a transmit array printed on a low-loss substrate.


José Alberto Zevallos Luna was born in Lima, Peru in 1985. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria (UNI), Lima, Peru, in 2006 and the M.S. degrees in microelectronic and telecommunications from the Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France, in 2011. He received the Ph.D. degree in optics and radiofrequency from Grenoble-Alpes University in a partnership with the CEA-LETI laboratory, Grenoble, France in 2014.

Since February 2011, he joined the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) at the laboratory of electronics and information technology (LETI), where he worked on the design of millimeter-wave integrated antennas and besides contributed to the development of news designs of high-gain millimeter-wave transmit-array antennas for 5G applications.

Dr. Zevallos-Luna joined the Thales Group in 2014 as a RF Microwave Antenna engineer; he began work on the development of embedded RF components in multilayer organic substrates and the design of wide-angle scanning/wide-band planar array antennas.

His research interests include microwave engineering, innovative array antennas and different packaging technologies for millimeter-wave antennas.


[1] J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, and A. Siligaris, “Hybrid On-Chip/In-Package Integrated Antennas for Millimeter-Wave Short-Range Communications,” IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propag., vol. 61, n. 11, pp. 5377-5384, Nov. 2013.

[2] J.A. Zevallos Luna, and L. Dussopt, “A V-band switched-beam transmit-array antenna,” Int. J. Microw. Wirel. Technol., (2013), 1-6. doi:10.107/S1759078713001116

[3] J.A. Zevallos Luna, A. Siligaris, C. Pujol, and L. Dussopt, “A packaged 60 GHz low-power transceiver with integrated antennas for short-range communications,” IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), Austin, TX, USA, Jan. 20-23, 2013.

[4] L. Dussopt, J.A. Zevallos Luna, and A. Siligaris, “On-chip/in-package integrated antenna for millimeter-wave medium and long-range applications,” in 2013 Int. Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), Karlsruhe, Germany, 4–6 March, 203–206

[5] J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, and A. Siligaris, “A 60 GHz CMOS-SOI integrated antenna with coupled patch in a QFN package,” 7th European Conf. on Antennas and Propag (EuCAP 2013), 8-12 April 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden.

[6] A. Siligaris, F. Chaix, M. Pelissier, V. Puyal, J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, and P. Vincent, “A low-power 60-GHz 2.2-Gbps UWB transceiver with integrated antennas for short range communications,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symp. (RFIC), 2–4 Jun. 2013, Seattle, WA, USA.

[7] J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, and A. Siligaris, “Packaged integrated transceiver for short-range high data-rate communications at 60 GHz,” IEEE Int. Symp. On Antennas and Propagation, Orlando, FL, USA, Jul. 7–13, 2013.

[8] J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, and A. Siligaris, “Packaged transceiver with on-chip integrated antenna and planar discrete lens for UWB millimeter-wave communications,” IEEE International Conference on Ultra-WideBand (ICUWB), Paris, France, Sep. 1–3, 2014.

[9] L. Dussopt, O. El Bouayadi, J. A.  Zevallos Luna, C. Dehos, Y. Lamy, “Millimeter-wave antennas for radio access and backhaul in 5G heterogeneous mobile networks,” 9th European Conf. on Antennas and Propag (EuCAP 2015), 13-17 April 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.

[10] J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, et A. Siligaris, “Antenne millimétrique intégrée en boitier QFN pour communications haut-débit à 60 GHz,” 18émes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2013), 14-17 May 2013, Paris, France.

[11] J.A. Zevallos Luna, et L. Dussopt, “Antenne à réseau transmetteur à commutation de faisceau en bande V,” 18émes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2013), 14-17 May 2013, Paris, France.

[12] J.A. Zevallos Luna, L. Dussopt, et A. Siligaris, “Antennes millimétriques intégrées CMOS-SOI avec patchs couples dans un boitier QFN” Journées Thématiques GDR Ondes communes GT2 et GT4, 17-18 Janvier, 2013, Grenoble, France.

Alejandro Mazal



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