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Óscar J. Perales-Pérez, Embajador Científico Tecnológico del ECI

El doctor Óscar Perales-Pérez recibirá medalla y diploma de Embajador Científico y Tecnológico del ECI, el 2 de enero, en la sesión inaugural del Encuentro Científico Internacional 2017 de verano.

El doctor Óscar Perales es profesor de Ciencias e Ingeniería de Materiales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Mayaguez. Tiene una brillante trayectoria científica y tecnológica en el Perú y el mundo. Colabora  la Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo y en Lima y con un grupo de investigacion de profesores de Quimica de la UNMSM. Con La UNI,  Facultad (FIGMM), en su calidad de profesor adjunto, apoya con la acreditacion, ademas de ser miembro del comite consultor de la Escuela de Metalurgia. En cuando a investigacion, está tratando de estrechar nuestros lazos con las demás facultades de la UNI a través del Vicerrectorado de Investigación.

De igual manera, estamos terminando de revisar un acuerdo de entendimiento entre la UNi y la U Puerto Rico-Mayaguez lo cual os permitira fortalecer aun mas nuestros esfuerzos de colaboracion.

Oscar Juan Perales-Perez, PhD

Dr. Oscar Perales-Perez is a Metallurgist graduated from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), Perú. After working at the School of Metallurgy-UNI as professor and consultant engineer for more than 10 years, Oscar moved to the Institute for  Advanced  Materials  Processing  Tohoku  University  in Japan, where he got his PhD in Materials Processing in 1998. Dr Perales-Perez was invited to join the Center for Interdisciplinary Research Tohoku University (CIRTU) as a Visiting Associate Professor in November 1998. At CIRTU he was involved in research related to size-controlled synthesis and characterization of nanostructures and development of size- selective separation methods for nanosize polydisperse crystals. Perales also worked as a member of the research team SONY- Tohoku University, being co-inventor of processes related to the size-controlled synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials.

Dr. Oscar Perales’ research is carried out at the NANOmaterials Processing Laboratory, UPRM.

Oscar is Full Professor of the Department of Engineering Science and Material, University of Puerto Rico  at  Mayaguez  (UPRM),  since  2002  and  his  current  research  interest  involves  the  size-,  shape-  , composition- and structure-controlled synthesis of nanostructures (nanocrystals and thin films) for spintronics, high-density storage, food packaging materials, hydrophobic surfaces, nanoagriculture, and environmental protection applications. New research initiatives in nano-medicine are focused on the processing of quantum dots for Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT) and Photo-Thermal Ablation (PTA) for Cancer treatment. Perales’ projects are oriented towards the test-bed stage through the Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) of Puerto Rico and collaborators from the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. The competitiveness of Perales’ work is demonstrated by the support he receives from several agencies including National Science Foundation (NSF), US-DoD, USDA, US-DoEd, US-DoE, NASA, USGS, TOYOTA Foundation, The Puerto Rico Water Management Authority and The Waste Solid Management Authority. He also serves as Co-director of the $5M/5 years NSF-CREST Center on Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications, $3.2M.4 years USDA-CETARS Center on Agriculture and Related Sciences, $6M/6 years Co- Principal Investigator in the US-DoE Project on Multifunctional Materials and UPRM Principal Investigator of the NSF-IGERT Project on Nanomedicine.

Oscar,  three  times  Distinguished   Professor  and  Distinguished  Researcher   of  the  College  of Engineering-UPRM, is author of more than 120 scientific and technological publications in materials processing and nanotechnology and serves a reviewer for different journals including, among others: Hydrometallurgy, J. of Applied  Physics,  Environmental  Science  and  Technology,  Nanotechnology,  MRS  Proceedings,  National Institute  of  Water  Research,  Materials  Physics  and  Chemistry,  J.  of  Magnetism  and Magnetic  Materials, Materials Research Bulletin, Applied Surface Science, J of Hazardous Materials, Water, Air and soil Pollution, J of Alloys and Compounds, J. of Luminescence, Spectrochimica Acta A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Journal of Nanomedicine, among others. He is also an invited panelist for the National Science Foundation SBIRT/STTR Program since 2003 (Functional Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials), US- Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Peruvian Council of Science & Technology (CONCYTEC), the National Agency for the Scientific and Technological Promotion of Argentine and the PR-NIH INMBRE Program. In 2012, he was also awarded by the Peryvian Board of Metallurgists with the Tumi de Oro in merit to his contribution to research and innovation in the metallurgy and materials field.

At present, Dr. Perales is the Associate Dean for Research & Innovation of the College of Engineering at UPRM and General Coordinator of the Research and Innovation Systemic Committee at the same University, Member of the Peruvian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Advisory Board of the School of Metallurgy- Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Food Science & Technology Program at UPRM and Visiting Professor at the Engineering National University and the University of Trujillo, both located in Peru. He also serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Nanomaterials.

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